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Hotel Monopol Wrocław > Safe Hotel
Safe Hotel


In order to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we have introduced new cleanliness standards to protect the health and safety of our guests and employees as effectively as possible.

Ensuring appropriate safety according to COVID requirements, we take next measures


- at the reception desk and in the public area there are prepared hand sanitizers,

- during check-in only guests from one booking may be present at the reception desk,

- in the entire facility, there is a minimum distance of 1.5 m between each other,

- only persons from one booking can use the elevator at the same time ,

- payments by credit cards are recommended,

- door handles, handrails, light switches, elevators etc. are disinfected several times a day,

- all public areas are ventilated several time a day,

- only Guests of the hotel and our restaurants can enter the building,

- the public areas are cleaned and disinfected more often than a standard procedure,

- the employees keep a safe distance from each other and from the Guests.


- during a stay, the rooms are cleaned on a Guest request, during their absence, in order to minimize the necessary contact,

- there is no night service,

- during the cleaning, the housekeeping avoid contact with the Guest personal items,

- after the each stay, the rooms are carefully cleaned and ventilated.

Wellness & Spa CENTER:

- in the Wellness & Spa area the maximum amount of people at the same time is 30,

- routine disinfection is carried out on schedule,

- only guests from one booking may be present at the SPA reception desk,

- we kindly ask to come to the treatments directly at the agreed time in a bathrobe and a hotel slippers.

For more information on data processing, please see our privacy policy.
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